Director: Robert Fernandez
Starring: Elisabeth Elliot, Pastor Jonathan Clarke, Margaret Holland
The true story of a brave missionary woman and her battle to rescue young girls from unspeakable evil.
In 1903 Amy Carmichael risked her missionary support and shocked the Christian community with the publication of her book Things As They Are. Unlike many before her, Amy refused to sugarcoat her experience as a missionary in India. She wanted her readers to get an accurate picture of the desperate plight of some of the Indian people as well as the tremendous challenges that missionaries were facing. However, Amy’s most shocking revelation was the plight of the temple girls, who were doomed to a life of abuse as they were “married” to the gods of the land.
Amy Carmichael’s heroic life of service has inspired countless others to sacrificially spread the Gospel, while caring for people in need. Learn more of her amazing story through this in-depth look at her life and ministry. Follow Amy’s story from her childhood experiences with prayer through her years of faithful ministry and on to the establishment of The Dohnavur Fellowship, an organization which continues to serve the India Amy loved.
This features Elisabeth Elliot, who counts Amy as a crucial influence in her own decision to become a missionary. This presentation also features:
Jonathan Clarke, pastor of The Welcome Church, established by Amy in Belfast
Margaret Holland of The Dohnavur Fellowship
Dr. Nancy Robbins, who nursed Amy during her dying years.
1903 年,艾米·卡邁克爾冒著失去傳教士支持的風險,出版了她的書《事物的本來面目》,震驚了基督教界。與之前的許多人不同,艾米拒絕粉飾她在印度傳教的經歷。她希望讀者能準確地了解一些印度人民的絕望困境以及傳教士所面臨的巨大挑戰。然而,艾米最令人震驚的揭露是寺廟女孩的困境,她們與土地之神「結婚」後注定會遭受虐待。
艾米·卡邁克爾英勇的服務一生激勵了無數人犧牲自己去傳播福音,同時照顧有需要的人。透過深入了解她的生活和事工,了解更多關於她令人驚奇的故事。跟隨艾米的故事,從她童年的祈禱經歷,到她多年忠實的服務,再到建立 Dohnavur 團契,一個繼續為艾米熱愛的印度服務的組織。
喬納森‧克拉克 (Jonathan Clarke),艾米在貝爾法斯特創立的歡迎教會 (The Welcome Church) 的牧師