占卜 Divination (2013)

Starring: Natasha SimsD’Angelo MidiliLisa CoronadoDavid Matthew WeeseJames Tobin
Directed by: Ben Pohl

This movie has some scary shots, if watch with children please pay attention, not good for too young kids.
A couple who are expecting their first child are ecstatic but, when the husband is tormented by horrific visions, a spiritual battle begins.
This story tell us how angels protect people who believe in God, and how devils wanna destroy and kill people on the earth. Don’t play divination, it belong to demon’s. Believe in Jesus, he will protect us from death.



Samuel: The Last of the Judges (2021)

Starring: Makram KhouryJack CohenAman DibsiIyad ShettyAiman NahasMahmoud Kinnan
Directed by: Robert Savo

his one-hour biblical drama recounts the thrilling story of the Old Testament prophet, Samuel. Samuel was called by God from a young age to speak God’s will to his people. Later, he would lead the Israelites in a decisive battle against the Philistines and would reluctantly appoint Israel’s first king. When King Saul disobeyed God, Samuel condemned him and secretly appointed David as King, setting off an epic struggle for power in the kingdom.

This biblically accurate retelling dramatizes this crucial period in Israel’s history and highlights God’s high expectations for leaders. Dubbed in English from Bulgarian.

希望永存 Hope Lives (2022)

导演: Anthony Hackett
主演: Karen Abercrombie / Victoria Richards / Sharonne Lanier
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2022-04-08(美国)
IMDb: tt8180386

An inspiring drama that shows the triumphs and pains of a group of high school students who are victims of bullying, and how one man can make a difference.
This story tell us we should forgive each other, be kind to others, have hope all the time, cause God is love, he brings hope to everyone, although there has sadness, tomorrow will be a shinning day.


聖誕之舞 The Christmas Dance (2021)

导演: Michael Arcell
编剧: Michael Arcell
主演: 米歇尔·沃特 / 凯瑟琳·凯利·朗 / 理查德·卡恩 / Master P / 斯科特·贝利 / 更多…
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2021-07-23(美国)
片长: 94分钟
IMDb: tt11260886

Traumatized by her past Christmas is not at the top of Sarah’s list this time of year however waltzing through life’s unexpected emergencies she is taught the Christmas Dance.
A Christmas story that about family and love, to celebrate Jesus born for us, to remember this day that Jesus come to save you and me, amen.


心有灵犀 Indivisible (2018)

导演: 戴维·G·伊万斯
编剧: 戴维·G·伊万斯 / 谢丽尔·麦凯
主演: 贾斯汀·布恩宁 / 莎拉·德鲁 / 杰森·乔治 / Skye P. Marshall / 坦纳·斯泰恩 / 更多…
类型: 剧情 / 战争
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2018-10-26(美国)
片长: 119分钟
IMDb: tt6512428

电影改编自陆军牧师达伦特纳(Darren Turner)和他的妻子希瑟(Heather)的非凡真实故事。当战争给他们的心灵留下创伤时,他们面临着另一场战斗:为挽救他们的婚姻而战。
Turner在經歷到戰場上為士兵們傳福音、禱告和戰場的殘忍後,他回到家開始對妻子和孩子開始有暴力傾向,夫妻關係開始有破口。後經過另一位部隊牧師開導兩人,加上Turner在部隊裡傳福音信主的戰友,兩人夫妻感情重歸於好,Turner重新開始信靠這位良善的上帝,也消除了神為什麼允許這些災難發生的疑慮,因為神的旨意永遠是美好的,他愛我們,影片非常真實和感人,我們偶爾也會問,為什麼神會允許這些困難擺在我們眼前,因為神總是透過這些磨難讓我們更信靠他的良善,God is good, all the time.