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- 2025-02-05 不安分的人們 The Restless Ones (1965)
- 2025-02-05 三位賢士 The 3 Wise Men (2003)
- 2025-02-04 叁博士 The Three Wise Men (1976)
- 2025-02-04 三個智者 The Three Wise Men (2020)
- 2025-02-01 傑瑞米的蛋 Jeremy's Egg (2000)
- 2024-12-29 法櫃奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981)
- 2024-12-10 第七封印 The Seventh Seal (1957)
- 2024-12-09 瑪利亞 Mary (2024)
- 2024-12-09 超級禮物 The Ultimate Gift (2006)
- 2024-12-09 綠裡奇蹟 The Green Mile (1999)
- 2024-12-09 卡斯帕爾·豪澤爾之謎 The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974)
- 2024-12-08 魔鬼代言人 The Devil's Advocate (1997)
- 2024-12-06 沙漠中的西蒙 Simon of the Desert (1965)
- 2024-12-06 密陽 Secret Sunshine (2007)
- 2024-12-06 七宗罪 Se7en (1995)
- 2024-12-06 推銷員 Salesman (1969)
- 2024-12-06 耶穌之子 Jesus' Son (1999)
- 2024-12-06 天堂可以等 Heaven Can Wait (1943)
- 2024-12-06 玻璃精靈 Heart of Glass (1976)
- 2024-12-06 浮士德 Faust: A German Folk Legend (1926/1994)
- 2024-12-06 咫尺天涯 Faraway, So Close! (1993)
- 2024-12-06 芬妮與亞歷山大 Fanny and Alexander (1982)
- 2024-12-06 末世浩劫 End of Days (1999)
- 2024-12-06 天使在人間 Date with an Angel (1987)
- 2024-12-06 罪與罰 Crime And Punishment (1956)
- 2024-12-06 天使之城 City of Angels (1998)
- 2024-12-06 終止戰火 To End All Wars (2001)
- 2024-12-06 天上人間 Carousel (1956)
- 2024-12-06 沉默/沈默 Chinmoku (1971)
- 2024-12-06 巴貝特之宴 Babette's Feast (1987)
- 2024-12-06 阿基爾,上帝的憤怒 Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)
- 2024-12-05 偉大的亨德爾 The Great Mr. Handel (1942)
- 2024-12-03 人類之子 Children of Men (2006)
- 2024-12-03 修女喬安娜 Mother Joan of the Angels (1961)
- 2024-12-03 女人,你自由了 Woman Thou Art Loosed (2004)
- 2024-12-02 修女也瘋狂 Sister Act (1992)
- 2024-12-02 黑水仙 Black Narcissus (1947)
- 2024-12-02 聖瑪麗的鐘聲 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
- 2024-12-02 與我同行 Going My Way (1944)
- 2024-12-02 修女傳 The Nun's Story (1959)
- 2024-12-02 其實在天堂 As It Is in Heaven (2004)
- 2024-12-02 聖女之歌 The Song of Bernadette (1943)
- 2024-12-01 悲憐大地的情人 Solomon and Gaenor (2001)
- 2024-12-01 福音 The Gospel (2005)
- 2024-12-01 給壞小子的歌 Song for a raggy boy (2004)
- 2024-12-01 阿瑪羅神父的罪惡 The Crime of Father Amaro (2002)
- 2024-11-30 聖路易雷的大橋 The Bridge of San Luis Rey (2004)
- 2024-11-30 靈與欲 Elmer Gantry (1960)
- 2024-11-30 聖文森特的男孩 The Boys of St. Vincent (1992)
- 2024-11-30 救恩 Saving Grace (1986)
- 2024-11-30 神父 Priest (1994)
- 2024-11-01 最後的儀式 Last Rites (1988)
- 2024-11-01 嚴酷的考驗 The Crucible (1996)
- 2024-11-01 犧牲 The Sacrifice (1986)
- 2024-10-31 卡蜜拉 Camila (1984)
- 2024-10-31 亞當的蘋果 Adam's Apples (2005)
- 2024-10-31 十誡 Dekalog (1989)
- 2024-10-31 魅影 Phantom (1922)
- 2024-10-31 我是大衛 I Am David (2003)
- 2024-10-31 獵犬 Shooting Dogs (2005)
- 2024-10-31 聖飲者傳奇 The Legend Of The Holy Drinker (1988)
- 2024-10-31 瑪德蓮墮落少女 The Magdalene Sisters (2002)
- 2024-10-31 影子大地 Shadowlands (1985)
- 2024-10-30 青山翠谷 How Green Was My Valley (1941)
- 2024-10-30 罪惡天使 Les Anges du péché (1943)
- 2024-10-30 奇案 Agnes of God (1985)
- 2024-10-30 仁慈天使 The Bishop's Wife (1947)
- 2024-10-30 撒旦日記 Leaves from Satan's Book (1920)
- 2024-10-30 諾言 Ordet (1955)
- 2024-10-30 復仇之日 Day of Wrath (1943)
- 2024-10-30 戈雅之魂 Goya's Ghosts (2006)
- 2024-10-30 石榴的顏色 The Color of Pomegranates (1969)
- 2024-10-30 罪孽的代價 The Reckoning (2003)
- 2024-10-30 猶大獅子 The Lion of Judah (2011)
- 2024-10-29 參孫和大利拉 Samson and Delilah (1996)
- 2024-10-27 見證人 Amen. (2002)
- 2024-10-21 瑪戈王后 Queen Margot (1994)
- 2024-10-21 大風雲 The Last Valley (1970)
- 2024-10-21 黨同伐異 Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)
- 2024-10-20 路德傳 Luther (1974)路德傳
- 2024-10-19 紅袍與黑幕 The Scarlet and the Black (1983)
- 2024-10-19 天路歷程 The Keys of the Kingdom (1944)
- 2024-10-19 痛苦與狂喜 The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
- 2024-10-19 墮落標記6/善惡決戰日 Six: The Mark Unleashed (2004)
- 2024-10-18 鄉村牧師日記 Diary of a Country Priest (1951)
- 2024-10-18 波奇亞 Los Borgia (2006)
- 2024-10-18 好教宗:约翰23世 The Good Pope: Pope John XXIII (2003)
- 2024-10-18 教會 The Mission (1986)
- 2024-10-18 福音與烏托邦 Palavra e Utopia (2000)
- 2024-10-18 天國王朝 Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
- 2024-10-18 所羅門 Solomon (1997)
- 2024-10-18 生活多美好 It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
- 2024-10-17 極地特快 The Polar Express (2004)
- 2024-10-17 啟示錄 Apocalypse Revelation (2002)
- 2024-10-17 耶利米 Jeremiah (1998)
- 2024-10-17 以斯帖記 The book of Esther (2013)
- 2024-10-17 大衛王 David (1997)
- 2024-10-17 以斯帖 Esther (1999)
- 2024-10-17 雅各 Jacob (1994)
- 2024-10-17 約瑟 Joseph (1995)
- 2024-10-16 創世記:創造與洪水 Genesis The Creation And The Flood (1994)
- 2024-10-16 摩西 Moses (1995)
- 2024-10-16 諾亞方舟 Noah's Ark (1928)
- 2024-10-16 馬太福音 The Gospel According to St Matthew (1964)
- 2024-10-16 King David 大衛王 (1985)
- 2024-10-09 鍛造 The Forge (2024)
- 2024-09-09 音樂劇 路得 Ruth The Musical (2019)
- 2024-08-01 諾亞 Noah (2019) – Sight & Sound Theatres 视听剧场 大型舞台剧
- 2024-08-01 紀錄片|挪亞方舟驚世啟示2 (2011)
- 2024-07-14 紀錄片:諾亞的日子 1-4. The Days of Noah (2019)
- 2024-07-13 诺亚方舟漂流记 1 All Creatures Big and Small (2015) / 诺亚方舟漂流记2 Ooops! The Adventure Continues (2020)
- 2024-07-11 小妇人 Little Women (1949)
- 2024-07-03 饒恕的奇蹟
- 2024-07-03 兒童十誡
- 2024-06-14 耶路撒冷三千年
- 2024-06-14 Read and share Bible
- 2024-06-05 The Animated Stories 新約妙妙書 Part II
- 2024-06-05 What's in the Bible? Vol.1 In the beginning - Genesis
- 2024-05-09 海蒂 Heidi (1937)
- 2024-05-08 海蒂和爷爷 Heidi (2015)
- 2024-04-06 Young David (2023)
- 2024-03-28 出埃及記 樂高版 Exodus: A Brickfilm (2019)
- 2024-03-28 彌賽亞 樂高版 The Messiah: A Brickfilm (2022)
- 2024-03-24 祂唯一的儿子 His Only Son (2023)
- 2024-03-12 音乐之声 The Sound of Music (1965)
- 2024-02-02 末日迷踪 Left Behind (2014) / 末日迷踪:敌基督的崛起 Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (2023)
- 2024-02-02 末日迷蹤 Left Behind (1994)
- 2024-02-01 末日迷踪:下一代 Vanished: Left Behind - Next Generation (2016)
- 2024-01-31 末日迷踪1 Left Behind I (2000) / 末世迷踪2:乱世奇兵 Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002) / 末世迷踪3:末日大战 Left Behind III: World at War (2005)
- 2023-12-14 人物傳記:喬治·穆勒 GEORGE MULLER Documentary | A Cloud of Witnesses | FULL
- 2023-12-01 喔!耶路撒冷 O Jerusalem (2006)
- 2023-10-10 盼望
- 2023-09-15 巴塞洛繆的禮物 Bartholomew's Gift
- 2023-09-10 最終解決方案 Final Solution (2019)
- 2023-08-27 Before His Throne by Ballet Magnificat!
- 2023-08-17 Face to Face by Ballet Magnificat!
- 2023-08-17 Ruth by Ballet Magnificat!
- 2023-08-17 Snow Queen by Ballet Magnificat!
- 2023-07-23 Ballet Magnificat!'s The Prodigal's Journey - Christian Worship Dance
- 2023-04-19 招募字幕翻譯和寫影評同工
- 2023-04-10 讓父母和好 Courting Mom and Dad (2022)
- 2023-04-07 紀錄片|我相信復活節:發現復活節的起源、傳統和歷史 I Believe In Easter: Discover the Origins, Traditions, and History of Easter (2015)
- 2023-04-07 傳承巔峰 Legacy Peak (2022)
- 2023-04-07 Documentary: Discovering Who Is This Jesus?
- 2023-04-04 作者,明星,和守護者 The Author, The Star, and The Keeper (2020)
- 2023-04-01 禱告盒 The Prayer Box (2018)
- 2023-03-31 天赐赫伯 Walking With Herb (2021)
- 2023-03-31 原因 The Reason (2020)
- 2023-03-29 紀錄片:說話的這位神 The God Who Speaks (2018)
- 2023-03-28 揀選 The Chosen Season 1-4
- 2023-03-28 加擊 The Mulligan (2022)
- 2023-03-24 就在你眼前 Right Before Your Eyes (2019)
- 2023-03-24 圣诞发明家 The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017)
- 2023-03-22 一個信仰問題 A Question of Faith (2017)
- 2023-03-22 神的子民 Man Of God (2021)
- 2023-03-21 有狗的生活 Life with Dog (2018)
- 2023-03-20 生命印痕 Lifemark (2022)
- 2023-03-17 衛斯理:一顆改變的心可以改變世界 Wesley: A Heart Transformed Can Change The World
- 2023-03-16 為基督受苦 Tortured for Christ (2018)
- 2023-03-15 沒有母親之人的母親 Amy Carmichael: Mother to the Motherless | Elisabeth Elliot
- 2023-03-15 最不情愿的转换 The Most Reluctant Convert (2021)
- 2023-03-09 無畏的信念 Fearless Faith (2020)
- 2023-03-09 抹大拉的马利亚 Mary Magdalene (1993)
- 2023-03-09 中文名字還沒想好 Power Play (1994)
- 2023-03-09 美丽人生 La vita è bella (1997)
- 2023-03-08 诺亚方舟:创世之旅 Noah (2014)
- 2022-12-23 神國度的奧秘 Mystery of the Kingdom of God (2021)
- 2022-12-14 聖誕的雪 A Christmas Snow (2010)
- 2022-12-09 斯克鲁奇:圣诞颂歌 Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022)
- 2022-12-04 誰可以這樣愛我 Redeeming Love (2022)
- 2022-11-28 占卜 Divination (2013)
- 2022-11-27 Samuel: The Last of the Judges (2021)
- 2022-11-25 希望永存 Hope Lives (2022)
- 2022-11-23 聖誕之舞 The Christmas Dance (2021)
- 2022-11-22 心有灵犀 Indivisible (2018)
- 2022-06-05 自拍的爸爸 Selfie Dad (2020)
- 2022-05-07 山頂 Mountain Top (2017)
- 2022-05-07 公主 Priceless (2016)
- 2022-05-03 德蕾莎修女
- 2022-05-03 人物传记:富能仁
- 2022-05-03 紀錄片:觅非播舍之家
- 2022-05-03 紀錄片 Free Burma Rangers (2020)
- 2022-05-03 Two a Penny (1966)
- 2022-05-01 野花 Wildflower (2016)
- 2022-04-27 紀錄片 创世纪:失乐园 Genesis: Paradise Lost (2017)
- 2022-04-26 紀錄片:憤怒以先 Before the Wrath (2020)
- 2022-04-23 時間改變者 Time Changer (2002)
- 2022-04-22 孤独但并不孤独 Alone Yet Not Alone (2013)
- 2022-04-20 2颗心 2 Hearts (2020)
- 2022-04-20 甜蜜的家 Home Sweet Home (2020)
- 2022-04-19 黑暗之外的天國爭戰 Heavens War Beyond the Darkness (2018)
- 2022-02-22 The Prodigal (1983)
- 2022-02-13 早晨來臨 Come the Morning (1993)
- 2022-02-12 重複表演 Repeat Performance (1996)
- 2022-02-11 The Prince Of Peace A Christmas Story (2005)
- 2022-02-09 Mother Teresa: Seeing The Face Of Jesus (2006)
- 2022-02-09 大衛王 King David (1997)
- 2022-02-09 Kom博士的衝浪店 Doc Kom’s Surf Shop (2001)
- 2022-02-08 最後的航班 Last Flight Out (2004)
- 2022-02-07 登山 The Climb (2002)
- 2022-02-05 輪椅上的畫家 Joni (1979)
- 2022-02-05 绝处逢生 Fallen angel : the Barry Mayson story (1994)
- 2022-02-05 紧追不舍 Caught (1987)
- 2022-02-05 浪子回头 The Prodigal (1983)
- 2022-02-04 殉教谱 If i perish
- 2022-02-04 暗夜燭光 Candle in the Dark: The Story of William Carey (1998)
- 2022-02-04 春风化雨 Le mot de passe (1993)
- 2022-02-04 教会 The Mission (1986)
- 2022-02-04 拿撒勒人耶稣 Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
- 2022-02-04 超越下一座山峰 / 情定山外山 Beyond the Next Mountain (1987)
- 2022-02-04 快乐的源泉 Consider It All Joy (1986)
- 2022-02-04 平安夜 / 平安夜遭遇戰 Silent Night (2002)
- 2022-02-04 巴拉巴 Barabbas (1961)
- 2022-02-04 藏身之处 The Hiding Place (1975)
- 2022-02-04 改革晨星:约翰·威克里夫 John Wycliffe: The Morning Star (1984)
- 2022-02-04 天路历程 Pilgrim's Progress (1979)
- 2022-02-03 大卫王的故事 The Story of David (1976)
- 2022-02-03 基督就是答案
- 2022-02-03 埃及人 / 埃及王 The Egyptian (1954)
- 2022-02-03 叛徒犹大 Judas (2004)
- 2022-02-03 十二岁小妈妈 Petite maman, La (TV)
- 2022-02-03 保罗的故事 / 圣保罗 Saint Paul (2000)
- 2022-02-03 亚伯拉罕的故事 Abraham
- 2022-02-03 一路上有你 Simon Birch (1998)
- 2022-02-03 一个無與倫比的人
- 2022-02-03 末世启示录1:跨世预言 Apocalypse: Caught in the Eye of the Storm (1998)、末世启示录2:反恐怖行动 Revelation (1999)、末世启示录3:惊世大灾难 Tribulation (2000)
- 2022-02-03 阿米什的恩典 Amish Grace (2010)
- 2022-02-03 恩赐妙手:班·卡森医师 Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (2009)
- 2022-02-03 圣诞欢歌 A Christmas Carol (1999)
- 2022-02-03 宗教改革500周年紀錄片 - 馬丁路德改教之旅
- 2022-02-03 耶穌的一生 - 舞台劇
- 2022-02-03 福音微电影-靈魂的價值、失去反得著、天堂你準備好了嗎?- 比利·葛理翰
- 2022-02-03 约翰胡斯传 John Hus (1977)
- 2022-02-02 十誡 動畫版 Kids 10 Commandments, all episodes (2003)
- 2022-02-01 天路歷程(2017年音樂劇版)"The Pilgrim's Progress" | Full Feature Film (2017 Musical)
- 2022-01-31 坡旅甲殉道记 Polycarp (2015)
- 2022-01-28 復活節的故事 Spark Story Bible Adventures: The Story of Easter
- 2022-01-28 聖誕秀 The Bedbug Bible Gang | Christmas Show! | Lanette Marquardt | David Mead
- 2022-01-21 问问基督 What Would Jesus Do? (2010) / WWJD What Would Jesus Do? The Journey Continues (2015)
- 2022-01-19 哈丽特 Harriet (2019)
- 2022-01-17 遇见上帝 The Encounter (2010)
- 2022-01-17 但以理书 The Book of Daniel (2013)
- 2022-01-17 真情七日 A Week Away (2021)
- 2022-01-08 基督诞生记 The Nativity Story (2006)
- 2022-01-07 大卫与哥利亚 David and Goliath (2016)
- 2022-01-07 赢得比赛 Run The Race (2019)
- 2022-01-05 复活 Risen (2016)
- 2021-12-24 写给上帝的信 Letters to God (2010)
- 2021-12-24 六福客栈 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)
- 2021-12-24 圣诞快乐 Joyeux Noël (2005)
- 2021-12-23 长矛的尖端 End of the Spear (2005)
- 2021-12-21 盟约之爱 / 爱的誓言 A Vow to Cherish (1999)
- 2021-12-21 不以福音为耻 I'm Not Ashamed (2016)
- 2021-12-08 坚不可摧:救赎之路 Unbroken: Path to Redemption (2018)
- 2021-12-06 拥抱光明 Let There Be Light (2017)
- 2021-12-03 世界上的另一个你 Same Kind of Different as Me (2017)
- 2021-12-02 陋室 The Shack (2017)
- 2021-12-01 重审基督 The Case for Christ (2017)
- 2021-11-29 黑色复活节 Black Easter (2021)
- 2021-11-02 计划外 Unplanned (2019)
- 2021-10-31 我相信 I Believe (2017)
- 2021-10-16 烈火战车 Chariots of Fire (1981)
- 2021-08-12 宽恕的力量 The Grace Card (2010)
- 2021-08-11 消防员 Fireproof (2008)
- 2021-08-11 面对巨人 Facing the Giants (2006)
- 2021-08-10 飞越生命 Flywheel (2003)
- 2021-07-06 天路历程 The Pilgrim's Progress (2019)
- 2021-06-10 永远是我的女孩 Forever My Girl (2018)
- 2021-06-02 蓝海奇迹 Blue Miracle (2021)
- 2021-05-27 超乎想象 I Can Only Imagine (2018)
- 2021-03-24 帕劳 Palau the Movie (2019)
- 2021-03-21 勇气 Courageous (2011)
- 2020-09-11 40:基督受试探 / 40: The Temptation of Christ (2020)
- 2020-08-24 约翰福音 The Gospel of John (2003)
- 2020-08-24 耶稣传 Jesus (1979)
- 2020-08-24 Jonah 約拿 - Sight & Sound Theatres 视听剧场 大型舞台剧
- 2020-07-26 耶稣传 - 儿童版 The story of Jesus for children
- 2020-07-07 天堂奇迹 Miracles From Heaven 2016
- 2020-07-06 美丽人生 La vita è bella 1997
- 2020-07-06 全能者埃文 Evan Almighty 2007
- 2020-07-05 我是山姆 I Am Sam 2001
- 2020-06-30 紀錄片|神迹透视 BBC The Miracles Of Jesus 2006
- 2020-05-31 勇士之箭 Like Arrows 2018
- 2020-05-15 Jesus 耶稣 - Sight &Sound Theaters 视听剧场 大型舞台剧
- 2020-05-08 战胜自我 Overcomer (2019) 又名得胜者
- 2020-05-01 伯利恒之星 Star of Bethlehem (2008)
- 2020-05-01 我仍然相信 I Still Believe (2020)
- 2020-05-01 辛德勒的名单 Schindler's List (1993)
- 2020-04-28 门徒保罗 BBC: Saint Paul (2003)
- 2020-04-08 约瑟:梦幻国王 Joseph: King of Dreams (2000)
- 2020-04-08 埃及王子 The Prince of Egypt (1998)
- 2020-04-07 紀錄片 | BBC 耶稣 真实的故事 Jesus The Real Story
- 2020-04-06 紀錄片|耶路撒冷:上帝之城 Jerusalem: City of Heaven (1996)
- 2020-04-05 耶稣受难记 The Passion of the Christ (2004)
- 2020-04-01 纪录片 | 基督教历史 A History of Christianity (2009)
- 2020-03-29 幸福的拉扎罗 Lazzaro Felice (2018)
- 2020-03-26 敦刻尔克 Dunkirk (2017)
- 2020-03-25 第一归正会 First Reformed (2017)
- 2020-03-24 圣经故事 The Bible (2013)
- 2020-03-24 上帝之子 Son of God (2014)
- 2020-03-23 圣袍千秋 The Robe (1953)
- 2020-03-23 参孙和达莉拉 Samson and Delilah (1949)
- 2020-03-23 圣经:创世纪 The Bible: In the Beginning (1966)
- 2020-03-23 大卫与拔示巴 David and Bathsheba (1951)
- 2020-03-23 万王之王 King of Kings (1961)
- 2020-03-23 杀死耶稣 Killing Jesus (2015)
- 2020-03-22 耶稣基督:走出埃及 The Young Messiah (2016)
- 2020-03-22 万世流芳 The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)
- 2020-03-22 抹大拉的玛丽亚 Mary Magdalene (2018)
- 2020-03-22 你往何处去 / 暴君焚城录 Quo Vadis (1951, 2001)
- 2020-03-20 肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
- 2020-03-18 奇迹制造者 The Miracle Maker (2000)
- 2020-03-17 十诫 The Ten Commandments (1956)
- 2020-03-17 奇异的恩典 Amazing Grace (2006)
- 2020-03-16 宾虚 Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1907, 1925, 1959, 2016)
- 2020-03-14 路德传 Luther (2003)
- 2020-03-12 像土豆一样的信仰(見證奇蹟)Faith Like Potatoes (2006)
- 2020-03-10 纪录片 |《何为福音:唯独基督》
- 2020-03-06 紀錄片 | 曠野之歌
- 2020-03-03 蔬菜宝贝历险记 約拿 Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (2002)
- 2020-02-26 拯救生命 To Save a Life (2009)
- 2020-02-24 母亲之夜 Moms' Night Out (2014)
- 2020-02-23 决胜巅峰 When the Game Stands Tall (2014)
- 2020-02-22 不推薦的電影列表
- 2020-02-22 小男孩 Little Boy (2015)
- 2020-02-21 十月婴孩 October Baby (2011)
- 2020-02-21 天堂真的存在 Heaven is for Real (2014)
- 2020-02-21 天堂90分钟 90 Minutes in Heaven (2015)
- 2020-02-20 以斯帖-波斯皇后 One Night with the King (2006)
- 2020-02-20 圣诞星 The Star (2017)
- 2020-02-19 你相信么? Do You Believe? (2015)
- 2020-02-19 与神对谈 An Interview with God (2018)
- 2020-02-18 纳尼亚传奇 The Chronicles of Narnia 1,2,3
- 2020-02-16 生命之树 The Tree of Life (2011)
- 2020-02-15 血战钢锯岭 Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
- 2020-02-13 上帝未死 God’s Not Dead 1、2、3、4
- 2020-02-13 教宗的承继 The Two Popes (2019)
- 2020-02-13 使徒保罗 Paul, Apostle of Christ (2018)
- 2020-02-13 沉默 Silence (2016)
- 2020-02-13 橄榄球传奇 Woodlawn (2015)
- 2020-02-13 参孙 Samson (2018)
- 2020-02-02 科克维尔的奇迹 The Cokeville Miracle (2015)
- 2019-08-17 势不可挡 Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable / 灵魂冲浪 Soul Surfer (2018)
- 2019-08-14 奇迹的突破 Breakthrough 2019 (不可能的事)
- 2019-01-22 爭戰房間 War room (2015)