暗夜燭光 Candle in the Dark: The Story of William Carey (1998)

导演: Tony Tew
编剧: Tony Tew
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1998
IMDb: tt1316409

He sailed in 1793 to India with a reluctant wife and four children to bring the message of Jesus. There he encountered so much hardship it is amazing he didn’t abandon his mission and go home. But he stayed for over 40 years. One issue that tormented him was sati–the burning alive of widows when their husbands died. He would not rest until this practice was stopped. Facing insurmountable odds, he “plodded” on to influence the abolition of sati and to become the revered “Friend of India” and “Father of Modern Missions.” He oversaw more translations of the Bible than had been done in all previous Christian history combined. Life was never easy for Carey. But he simply refused to quit, even when a devastating fire destroyed years of his literary work. His legacy has inspired countless others from his own day to the present. William Carey shows dramatically how a life dedicated to God and obedient to His calling can make a profound difference in the world. Starring Richard Attlee, Lynette Edwards and Julie-Kate Olivier.

1793 年,他帶著不情願的妻子和四個孩子航行到印度,傳播耶穌的福音。在那裡,他遭遇瞭如此多的艱辛,但令人驚訝的是他並沒有放棄使命回家。但他一呆就是40多年。令他備受折磨的一個問題是「殉葬」──丈夫死後,寡婦被活活燒死。如果不停止這種做法,他是不會休息的。面對難以克服的困難,他「堅持不懈」地推動廢除殉夫,並成為受人尊敬的「印度之友」和「現代傳教之父」。他監督翻譯的《聖經》數量比之前基督教歷史上翻譯的數量總和還要多。對凱莉來說,生活從來都不容易。但他就是拒絕放棄,即使一場毀滅性的大火毀了他多年的文學作品。他的遺產激勵了從他那個時代到現在的無數人。威廉·凱裡生動地展示了獻身於上帝和服從上帝的召喚的生活如何能夠為世界帶來深遠的變化。理查德·艾德禮、麗奈特·愛德華茲、朱莉-凱特·奧利維爾主演。

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