紀錄片 创世纪:失乐园 Genesis: Paradise Lost (2017)

导演: Ralph Strean
主演: Andrew J. Fabich / Danny Faulkner / Ray Comfort
类型: 纪录片
官方网站: https://genesismovie.com/
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2017-11-13(Fathom Events)
片长: 130分钟
IMDb: tt7522002

Genesis: Paradise Lost

Capturing the first week of Creation with cutting-edge cinematography and biblical accuracy Genesis: Paradise Lost brings the first chapter of Genesis to life! Subtitled in 27 Languages.

This first-ever 3D-animated, creationist documentary combines stunning visual effects, epic orchestration, and thorough research to explore Genesis, the most ridiculed book of the Bible. You’ll love the vivid CG animation intertwined with PhD interviews that deliver an incredible, thought-provoking synopsis of the origin of mankind.

There is an increasing attack on the Bible’s teaching that God created the heavens and the earth. It is a battleground discussion that most Christians are unprepared for. By allowing audiences to “experience” creation week and to understand the science behind it, Genesis: Paradise Lost reinforces how an intelligently designed universe matches both Science and Scripture. Removing the supposed “scientific-stumbling-block” of evolution which barricades many from hearing the Gospel, has opened many hearts to their Creator.


English Subtitle Download

紀錄片 Before the Wrath (2020)

导演: Brent Miller Jr.
编剧: Brent Miller Jr.
主演: 凯文·索伯 / Sean Ardalan / Kevin Hayer / Jack Hibbs / Jay McCarl / 更多…
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2020-03-03(美国)
片长: 84分钟
IMDb: tt11996308

Newly uncovered evidence from the time of Christ unveils how and why the Rapture will occur. Narrated by Kevin Sorbo.
While scholars debate the timing of the Rapture, the world has lost why this event is prophesied to occur in the first place; knowledge that was once understood by those in the first century. Today, researchers in the Middle-East have rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of Christ that reveals exactly how and why the Rapture must occur; unveiling new biblical insight that will reignite hope for believers and prepare the world for what’s coming.

The Dove Foundation is calling Before the Wrath “mind-blowing, urgent and necessary”.


Subtitle Download: Before The Wrath 2020

时间改变者 Time Changer (2002)

导演: Rich Christiano
主演: D. David Morin
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2002
片长: 95 分钟
IMDb: tt0295725

Time travel is possible! An adventure the whole family will enjoy!

A time-travel adventure for the whole family! The year is 1890, Bible Professor Russell Carlisle (D.David Morin) has written a new manuscript, “The Changing Times”. His book is about to receive a unanimous endorsement from the board members of the Grace Bible Seminary… until Dr. Norris Anderson (Gavin MacLeod) raises an issue over a “difficulty” he has with something Carlisle has written.

Dr. Anderson believes what Carlisle has written could seriously affect the future of coming generations. Using a secret time machine, Anderson sends Carlisle more than 100 years into the future; offering him a glimpse of where his writing will lead.

“TIME CHANGER is a great film, entertaining, challenging and cleverly crafts a telling parable. We totally support this movie.” – Tim Wildmon, President, American Family Association, Tupelo, MS

“TIME CHANGER is the most important thing I have ever done.” – Gavin MacLeod, actor and feature performer in TIME CHANGER.



孤独但并不孤独 Alone Yet Not Alone (2013)

导演: Ray Bengston / George D. Escobar
编剧: Tracy Leininger Craven / George D. Escobar / James Richards
主演: Kelly Greyson / Natalie Racoosin / Jenn Gotzon / Clay Walker / Ozzie Torres / 更多…
类型: 历史
官方网站: www.aloneyetnotalone.com/
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2013-09
IMDb: tt1986769

Their faith became their freedom.
Based on the inspirational true story of Barbara and Regina Leininger, two immigrant sisters forced to embark on a journey of faith that will lead them through the darkness of war into the light of freedom.

Seeking religious freedom in America, a devout Christian family from Germany settles in the peaceful Pennsylvania colony – only to find themselves caught in the crossfire of the French & Indian War. Following a merciless raid on their settlement, daughters Barbara and Regina are abducted, separated, then raised by their Delaware captors in the harsh Ohio wilderness. Now, only their devotion to each other and faith in the Lord can lead them through their darkest hours and back to freedom in this inspirational, true story.

根據真人真事拍攝出的影片,推薦收看,英文發音沒有字幕,比較容易理解。”God is the light to guide me home.”神是引領我們回家的真光。

2颗心 2 Hearts (2020)

导演: 兰斯·胡尔
编剧: 韦罗妮卡·胡尔 / 罗宾 U·鲁辛
主演: 拉达·米切尔 / 雅各布·艾洛蒂 / 阿丹·坎托 / 卡瑞·玛切特 / 提拉·斯考比 / 更多…
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2020-10-16(美国)
片长: 100分钟
IMDb: tt5616176

講述兩對夫妻步入愛與重生得救旅程的真實故事。故事原型萊斯利(Jorge Leslie )在《基督郵報》(The Christian Post)分享:「我們想分享一下我們的故事,即使在最艱難的情況下,生活也可以展現出驚人的奇蹟般的方式。」這似乎非常適合這個時代。這是讚揚生命、愛與屬靈豐盛的浪漫之旅,堅信奇蹟仍在。儘管這兩對夫妻未曾謀面,但命運卻出乎意料地改變他們的生命。「兩顆心」見證,即便面臨失控的悲劇,上帝依舊掌權其中。


甜蜜的家 Home Sweet Home (2020)

Director: Juan Mas

Writer: Lesley Ann McDaniel

Stars: Krista KalmusNatasha BureBen Elliott Paez

Release date: May 1, 2020 (United States)

Country of origin: United States

Language: English

Also known as: Дом, милый дом

Filming locations: Washington, USA

Production company: 5×5 Productions

Bored with her social butterfly lifestyle, Victoria Tremont longs to find that special someone. Naturally, when a handsome stranger walks into the coffee shop where she works, she turns on the charm. But when he fails to respond to her flirting the way men usually do, she’s perplexed. She finds out that he runs a ministry that builds affordable housing, and sees that if she wants to get his attention, all she has to do is volunteer. So what if it’s a faith-based ministry. Pretending to be a “church person” isn’t any different than pretending to like sports or a guy’s friends, right? Jason Holman has relocated, hoping to get away from women who don’t take commitment seriously. As the coordinator for Home Base, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building basic housing for those who would not otherwise be able to afford it, he has a purpose. Now, all he needs is a cure for his loneliness. But when a beautiful blonde volunteer catches his eye, he resolves to keep their relationship professional.
