最終解決方案 Final Solution (2019)

The indoctrination of Gerrit Wolfaardt is complete: his family traditions, history, culture, even his church, have taught him that black South Africans are a cancer in the land. Under the eye of prominent members of the government and military, Gerrit develops a diabolical plan to rid South Africa of its “black danger.” Before his plans can be carried out, he meets two people who will put him on a collision course with his future: Celeste, an open minded university student, and Peter, a pastor who challenges Gerrit’s prejudice.

His “final solution” meets its greatest obstacle when Gerrit himself realizes he is wrong. The Persecutor becomes the Peacemaker and begins to seek reconciliation between whites and blacks. However, in the turbulent last days of apartheid, there are those who doubt his transformation. One such person is Moses Moremi, whom Gerrit had once violently attacked. In the film’s dramatic conclusion, it is Moses who must choose between peace and bloodshed.

Based on a true story.

Not Rated: Parental Guidance Suggested — Scenes of violence not suitable for younger audiences.

Director: Cristóbal Krusen

格里特·沃爾法特的灌輸是完整的:他的家庭傳統、歷史、文化,甚至他的教堂,都告訴他南非黑人是這片土地上的毒瘤。 在政府和軍方知名人士的注視下,格里特製定了一項邪惡的計劃,以消除南非的“黑人危險”。 在他的計劃得以實施之前,他遇到了兩個人,他們將讓他與自己的未來發生衝突:思想開放的大學生塞萊斯特和挑戰格里特偏見的牧師彼得。

當格里特自己意識到自己錯了時,他的“最終解決方案”遇到了最大的障礙。 迫害者成為和平締造者,並開始尋求白人與黑人之間的和解。 然而,在種族隔離的最後動盪歲月裡,有人對他的轉變表示懷疑。 摩西·莫雷米(Moses Moremi)就是其中之一,格里特曾對他進行過暴力襲擊。 在影片的戲劇性結局中,摩西必須在和平與流血之間做出選擇。




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