“孩童的動作是清潔,是正直, 都顯明他的本性。”
箴言 20:11 CUNP-神
“My help will come from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth.”
Psalms 121:2 ERV
“願你的國降臨; 願你的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上。”
馬太福音 6:10 CUNP-神
“Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not death, life, angels, or ruling spirits. I am sure that nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us or nothing below us—nothing in the whole created world—will ever be able to separate us from the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39 ERV
“他要像一棵樹栽在溪水旁, 按時候結果子, 葉子也不枯乾。 凡他所做的盡都順利。”
詩篇 1:3 CUNP-神
“Are there any among you who are really wise and understanding? Then you should show your wisdom by living right. You should do what is good with humility. A wise person does not boast.”
James 3:13 ERV