鍛造 The Forge (2024)

导演: 埃里克斯·肯德里克
编剧: 埃里克斯·肯德里克 / 斯蒂芬·肯德里克
主演: 凯伦·阿伯克龙比 / 卡梅伦·阿内特 / 塞拉·艾弗里 / 肯·贝维尔 / 约瑟夫·柯蒂斯·卡伦德
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2024-08-23(美国)
IMDb: tt26731216

19 year old Isaiah Wright lives for basketball and video games. A year out of high school, he has no job, no plans, and no idea how to be a man. At odds with his single mother Cynthia, Isaiah is given an ultimatum – to step up or move out. Feeling the pull from his friends and the push from his mom, Isaiah is hired by Moore Fitness, unaware of how the owner will personally impact his life. With the prayers of his mother and unexpected guidance from his new mentor, Isaiah is forced to deal with his past, sacrifice his selfishness and discover how God might have a greater purpose for his life.

19 歲的以賽亞·賴特 (Isaiah Wright) 為籃球和電子遊戲而生。高中畢業一年後,他沒有工作,沒有計劃,也不知道如何做一個男人。以賽亞與單親母親辛西亞意見不合,他收到了最後通牒——要麼挺身而出,要麼搬出去。感受到朋友的拉力和媽媽的推動,以賽亞被摩爾健身公司聘用,但他不知道老闆將如何影響他的生活。在母親的禱告和新導師出乎意料的指導下,以賽亞被迫面對自己的過去,犧牲自己的自私,並發現神如何為祂的人生設定更偉大的目標。

